If you are searching for Sylhet to Sreemangal train schedule with ticket Prices? Then you’re here in the correct place. We at the moment are providing you with the full information about Sylhet to Sreemangal train. If you want to go From Sylhet to Sreemangal then this route train is the very best choice for you.

Sylhet to Sreemangal Train Schedule
There are two intercity trains on the Sylhet to Sreemangal route. Right here are the details about Sylhet to Sreemangal intercity trains. A number of mail and intercity trains run to this railway route. The Sylhet to Sreemangal train schedule list is given below.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Parabat Express (710) | 15:45 | 17:55 | Tuesday |
Joyantika Express (718) | 11:15 | 13:30 | Thursday |
Paharika Express (720) | 10:15 | 12:29 | Saturday |
Udyan Express (724) | 21:40 | 23:55 | Sunday |
Upaban Express (740) | 23:30 | 02:12 | No |
Kalani Express (774) | 06:15 | 08:20 | Friday |
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Sylhet to Sreemangal Train Ticket Price
Please again once more for details about the Bangladesh Railway’s all trains ticket prices. However, Sylhet to Sreemangal train ticket price is relatively lower than some others. Please visit your nearest railway station to know Sylhet to Sreemangal train ticket prices.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovon | 90 Taka |
Shovon Chair | 110 Taka |
First Seat | 145 Taka |
First Berth | 248 Taka |
Snigdha | 207 Taka |
AC Seat | 248 Taka |
AC Berth | 368 Taka |
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Final Word
I attempted to add all information for the route of the Sylhet to Sreemangal train schedule and ticket price. If you already know anything else about this Sylhet to Sreemangal route. Thanks for visiting this website.