If you want to journey to this Dhaka to Sirajganj train trackway then this post is for you. This train’s name is the Sirajganj Express. The Sirajganj Express train journey is essentially the most enjoyable. This Dhaka to Sirajganj train journey is very easy and more comfortable than the opposite journey. When you journey before by train you’ll feel enjoy each moment.

Sirajganj Express Train Schedule
Right here you’ll the details about the Sirajganj Express train schedule. The Sirajganj Express departs time from Dhaka at 16:15 and arrives at a time in Sirajganj at 20:40. This time the train number is 775/776. Within the Sirajganj Express train return journey, Sirajganj Express departs time from Sirajganj at 06:00 and arrives at a time in Kamalapur at 10:10. Almost 6 hours on this journey are required. The Sirajganj Express weekly off day is Wednesday.
Station Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Dhaka to Sirajganj | 16:15 | 20:40 | Saturday |
Sirajganj to Dhaka | 06:00 | 10:10 | Saturday |
Read More – Dhaka to Sirajganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Sirajganj Express Train Stoppage Stations
Sirajganj Express train No 775/776 runs on the Dhaka to Sirajganj route. The Sirajganj intercity express train runs from Dhaka to Sirajganj in 6 days. The Sirajganj express train has a complete of 12 bogeys and four seats. The Sirajganj Express train has two air-conditioned (AC) cabins and AC chair rooms.
Station Name | Up Time (775) | Down Time (776) |
Sirajganj Raipur | 06:08 | 20:13 |
Jamtoil | 06:21 | 19:40 |
Shaheed M Monsur Ali | 06:48 | 19:28 |
B.B.West | 06:57 | — |
B.B.East | 07:30 | 18:40 |
Tangail | 07:52 | 18:17 |
Hightech City | 08:43 | — |
Joydebpur | 09:13 | 17:06 |
Bimanbandar | 09:39 | 16:38 |
Read More – Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Sirajganj Express Train Ticket Price
We shred out the precise ticket price of Sirajganj Express. There are lots of classes on the ticket in Sirajganj Express. The Sirajganj intercity express ticket price is based on its seat categories. This train ticket begins at 295 takas and ends at 880 Taka. See the Sirajganj Express train below chart and select as soon as for you. The Sirajganj Express ticket price is given below.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovon | 230 Taka |
Shovon Chair | 275 Taka |
First Seat | 420 Taka |
First Berth | 585 Taka |
Snigdha | 490 Taka |
AC Seat | 585 Taka |
AC Berth | 880 Taka |
Read More – Dhaka to Rangpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Final Word
All the Sirajganj Express Train Schedule & Ticket price details are collected from Bangladesh Railway’s official website. Place a comment within the following in the event you suppose we missed out on some subject. We tried details in regard to the Sirajganj Express train schedule.
আমরা ঢাকা যেতে চাই
Please, buy a train ticket online or at BD railway station.