Santahar to Natore Train Schedule & Ticket Price: If you want to know about the Santahar to Natore train journey, you want to know about the Santahar to Natore Train Schedule. Bangladesh Railway arranges the Santahar to Natore train services inside this route. In response to the Bangladesh Railway train options, we’ve described all the schedules with their details right here.
Santahar to Natore Intercity Train Schedule
There are many intercity trains on the Santahar Natore route. Right here are the details about Santahar to Natore intercity trains. A number of mails and intercity trains run to this railway route. The Santahar to Natore intercity train schedule list is given below.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Ekota Express (706) | 02:10 | 03:12 | No |
Rupsha Express (728) | 12:10 | 13:19 | Thursday |
Barendra Express (732) | 09:40 | 10:32 | Sunday |
Titumir Express (734) | 18:10 | 19:06 | Wednesday |
Simanta Express (748) | 22:15 | 23:00 | Monday |
Drutajan Express (758) | 13:10 | 14:04 | No |
Nilsagor Express (766) | 23:25 | 00:16 | Sunday |
Banglabandha Express (804) | 14:10 | 15:33 | Saturday |
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Santahar to Natore Mail Train Schedule
If you like mail trains of Santahar to Natore route, there are similar numbers of mail trains additionally out there. The mail trains have extra stoppages than Santahar to Natore intercity trains. So, the Santahar to Natore mail train takes extra time than the Intercity trains. Below I’ve offered all detailed Santahar to Natore mail train schedules.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Rocket Express (24) | 12:55 | 16:10 | No |
Uttara Express (32) | 06:20 | 08:16 | No |
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Santahar to Natore Train Ticket Price
If you happen to resolve on the journey on this Santahar to Natore route, it’s essential to acquire a buy the ticket first. So, select your seat class based on your expectations and the price of the ticket. You may as well purchase it online. Online train tickets buy easily. The Santahar to Natore train ticket prices is given below primarily based on Bangladesh Railway.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shevon | 45 Taka |
Shevon Chair | 55 Taka |
First Seat | 90 Taka |
First Berth | 110 Taka |
Snigdha | 100 Taka |
Ac Seat | 110 Taka |
AC Berth | 160 Taka |
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Final Word
That is all about Santahar to Natore train schedule and ticket price. You may also check out Natore to Santahar train schedule if you need to know the details about your return route. Be happy to contact us if in case you have any additional questions on this. Thanks a lot for being with us.