Natore to Lalmonirhat Train Schedule & Ticket Price

If you are searching on Natore to Lalmonirhat train schedule with ticket Prices? Then you’re here in the correct place. We at the moment are providing you with the full information about the Natore to Lalmonirhat train. If you want to go From Natore to Lalmonirhat then this route train is the very best choice for you.

Natore to Lalmonirhat Train Schedule

There are Natore to Lalmonirhat two intercity trains accessible right here. Most of those Natore to Lalmonirhat trains are so luxurious. Many of those Natore to Lalmonirhat train has many trendy service providers. These days people most like the journey by train. Trains are more protected and comfortable than every other journey. So let’s take a look at the Natore to Lalmonirhat train schedule given below primarily based on Bangladesh Railway.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Lalmoni Express (751)02:4207:20Friday
Burimari Express (809)13:0518:10Tuesday

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Natore to Lalmonirhat Train Ticket Price

There are Natore to Lalmonirhat a lot of kinds of tickets available right here. The Natore to Lalmonirhat train ticket prices are based mostly on their seat facilities. It would help if you bought it from the Bangladesh railway station instantly. You too can purchase online site. The Natore to Lalmonirhat train ticket prices are given below.

Seat ClassesTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovon195 Taka
Shovon Chair260 Taka
First Seat310 Taka
First Berth460 Taka
Snigdha495 Taka
AC Seat560 Taka
AC Berth892 Taka

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Final Word

If you’ll journey by train pleasantly on this route. The Natore to Lalmonirhat train schedule and ticket price are made in keeping with Bangladesh Railway. We obtained Natore to Lalmonirhat train all information that it’s a good train journey.

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