Joydebpur to Santahar Train Schedule & Ticket Price

If you need to travel from Joydebpur to Santahar, you can select a train as a substitute for other public transport journeys. Right here, we’ve included all the crucial info on your journey together with Joydebpur to Santahar train schedule and ticket price. All this info has been up to date as per the discovery of the Bangladesh Railway.

Joydebpur to Santahar Train Schedule

There are four intercity trains on the Joydebpur Santahar route. Right here are the details about the Joydebpur to Santahar intercity trains. Many mails and intercity trains run to this railway route. There are many intercity trains journey there on the Joydebpur to Santahar trackway. The Joydebpur to Santahar train schedule list is given below.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Ekota Express (705)11:0815:55No
Lalmoni Express (751)22:3903:45Friday
Drutajan Express (757)20:5601:25No
Nilsagor Express (765)07:3712:30Monday
Chilahati Express (805)17:5522:45Saturday

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Joydebpur to Santahar Train Ticket Price

There are various types of ticket prices available in BD. The Joydebpur to Santahar train ticket prices are primarily based on their seat services and providers. It would help if you bought it at the station immediately. You may as well purchase it online. Online train tickets are bought easily. The Joydebpur to Santahar train ticket prices are given below primarily based on Bangladesh Railway.

Seat ClassesTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovon275 Taka
Shovon Chair330 Taka
First Seat440 Taka
First Berth660 Taka
Snigdha550 Taka
AC Seat660 Taka
AC Berth985 Taka

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Final Word

We hope that you’ve efficiently understood about Joydebpur to Santahar Train Schedule. Could you have any questions about this train schedule and ticket price? I hope you like this train schedule article. Thanks for visiting our article.

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