You’ll be able to journey easily from Jamalpur to Dhaka by two different trains. Right this moment we now have an Intercity train schedule and a Mail train schedule and this train’s ticket price is primarily based on the Bangladesh railway. We additionally received some valid details on buying train tickets online.

Jamalpur to Dhaka Train Schedule
There are almost 7 trains by which you’ll be able to reach from Jamalpur to Dhaka. On the Jamalpur Dhaka route, two kinds of train services can be found. The types are Intercity and Mail train. At least, the only mail train Jamalpur commuter is maintained directly for the Jamalpur to Dhaka train route. Here we have shared is Jamalpur to Dhaka train schedule list below.
Jamalpur to Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule
There are 4 intercity trains on Jamalpur to Dhaka route. Right here are the details about Jamalpur to Dhaka intercity trains. Many mails and intercity trains run to this railway route. There are 4 intercity trains journey there on the Jamalpur to Dhaka trackway. The Jamalpur to Dhaka intercity train schedule list is given below.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Tista Express (708) | 15:52 | 20:25 | Monday |
Aghnibina Express (736) | 18:30 | 23:00 | No |
Brahmaputra Express (744) | 07:35 | 12:30 | No |
Jamuna Express (746) | 03:10 | 07:45 | No |
Read More – Dhaka to Jamalpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Jamalpur to Dhaka Mail Train Schedule
Jamalpur to Dhaka Mail Express trains are just a little bit slower than Intercity trains. It stops in the common any time on rail truckway intervals. The Jamalpur to Dhaka Mail Express journey might be boring for you. Let’s check this schedule of Jamalpur to Dhaka Mail train based on Bangladesh Railway.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Dewangonj commuter (48) | 14:05 | 19:15 | No |
Jamalpur commuter (42) | 5:57 | 11:15 | No |
Vawal Express (56) | 3:30 | 11:35 | No |
Read More – Jamalpur to Biman Bandar Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Jamalpur to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Jamalpur to Dhaka train ticket prices aren’t that expensive it’s mostly cheaper than buses. It may be the only option for the middle class and lower middle class. The Jamalpur to Dhaka train ticket price provided is primarily based on Bangladesh Railway.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovon | 185 Taka |
Shovon Chair | 220 Taka |
First Seat | 295 Taka |
First Berth | 440 Taka |
Snigdha | 420 Taka |
AC Seat | 506 Taka |
Read More – Jamalpur to Mymensingh Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Final Word
I attempted to add all the information for the route of the Jamalpur to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. If you already know anything else about this Jamalpur to Dhaka route. Thanks for visiting this website.