Dhaka to Panchagarh Train Schedule & Ticket Price: If you are searching for Dhaka to Panchagarh train schedule with ticket Price? Then you’re here in the correct place. We at the moment are providing you the full information about Dhaka to Panchagarh train. If you want to go From Dhaka to Panchagarh then this route train is the very best choice for you.

Dhaka to Panchagarh Train Schedule
Dhaka to Panchagarh is the most famous railway train route. There is Dhaka to Panchagarh three intercity train scheduled accessible right here. They’ve completely different departure instances. The Dhaka to Panchagarh intercity trains are so quick and it doesn’t stop at common intervals.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Ekota Express (705) | 10:10 | 21:00 | No |
Drutojan Express (757) | 20:00 | 06:10 | No |
Panchagarh Express (793) | 22:45 | 08:50 | No |
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Dhaka to Panchagarh Train Ticket Price
Please come again once more for details about the Bangladesh Railway’s all trains ticket price. However, Dhaka to Panchagarh train ticket price is relatively lower than some others. Right here is the updated listing for Dhaka to Panchagarh train ticket price.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shevon | 550 Taka |
Shevon Chair | 730 Taka |
First Berth | 1145 Taka |
Ac Berth | 1942 Taka |
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Final Word
I attempted to add all information for the route of the Dhaka to Panchagarh train schedule and ticket price. If you already know anything else about this Dhaka to Panchagarh route. Thanks for visiting this website.