Dhaka to Mohongonj Train Schedule & Ticket Price: If you’re trying to find the train schedule and ticket price for Dhaka to Mohongonj, then you might be in the correct place. The Mohanganj Express is the one train service that is out there on these train routes. Hopefully, will probably be useful so that you can find the precise info that you just want.

Dhaka to Mohongonj Train Schedule
There is one intercity train on the Dhaka to Mohongonj route. Right here are the details about Dhaka to Mohongonj intercity trains. A number of mail and intercity trains run to this railway route. Dhaka to Mohongonj intercity train schedule list is given below.
Station Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Mohanganj Express (789) | 14:20 | 20:40 | Monday |
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Dhaka to Mohongonj Train Ticket Price
Dhaka to Mohongonj train ticket prices depends on the seat category. Every Bangladesh Railway train has low-cost, medium, and luxurious seats. Should you journey in a normal seat, you’ll be able to reach your destination at a lot lower price than different transports. We’re giving particular details about Dhaka to Mohongonj train ticket prices as per the newest price list by Bangladesh Railway.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovon | 185 Taka |
Shovon Chair | 220 Taka |
Snigdha | 426 Taka |
AC Berth | 490 Taka |
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Final Word
Right here is all the information about Dhaka to Mohongonj train schedule and ticket price. I attempted to add all information for the route of the Dhaka to Mohongonj trains. If you already know anything else about this Dhaka to Mohongonj route on the Bangladesh railway. Thanks for visiting this website.