Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price: Chittagong to Dhaka is the most famous train travel in Bangladesh. So many people are searching for the precise Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. The distance of the Chittagong to Dhaka route is only 258 km. Many trains have many trendy services and companies. They make your Chittagong to Dhaka train journey comfortable.

Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule
You know that there are a complete of eight trains out there so that you can journey from the capital Dhaka to Chittagong’s port city. Which trains you need to select depends on which train schedule is handy in your journey time. So, right here, we will current the details on Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule so that you could match the train with the best time for you. However, you will need to regulate the off-days of the trains. As a result, not all trains run every day.
Chittagong to Dhaka Intercity Train Schedule
There are five Chittagong to Dhaka intercity trains available right here. They’ve different departure occasions. Intercity trains travel so fast all over, and it doesn’t cease at standard intervals. It is crammed with many luxurious options like an Ac cabin, a Canteen zone, a Prayer place, a Security guard, and many others. Check the below chart for being concerning the Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Subarna Express (701) | 07:00 | 12:20 | Monday |
Maharagor Godhuli (703) | 15:00 | 21:25 | No |
Mahanagar Express (721) | 12:30 | 19:10 | Sunday |
Turna Express (741) | 23:00 | 05:15 | No |
Sonar Bangla Express (787) | 17:00 | 22:10 | Tuesday |
Chittagong to Dhaka Mail or Express Train Schedule
There are three Chittagong to Dhaka mail or express trains available right here with completely different departure occasions. Chittagong to Dhaka, mail or express trains, is inferior to intercity trains. They don’t have trendy services and companies. However, they’ll make sure you have a safe journey. Let s take a look at the schedule given below, primarily based on Bangladesh Railway.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Dhaka Mail (01) | 22:30 | 06:55 | No |
Karnafuli Mail (03) | 10:00 | 19:45 | No |
Chattala Express (67) | 08:30 | 15:50 | Tuesday |
Read More – Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule
Chittagong to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Chittagong to Dhaka train Tickets usually is not a lot expensive. All the people should buy it easily. There are numerous sorts of tickets accessible right here. The ticket costs are based mostly on their seat services. You should purchase the ticket that you just need to. The Chittagong to Dhaka train ticket prices is given below.
Seat Level | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shevon | 285 Taka |
Shevon Chair | 345 Taka |
First Seat | 460 Taka |
First Berth | 685 Taka |
Snigdha | 656 Taka |
AC | 788 Taka |
AC Berth | 1179 Taka |
How to Booking Train Ticket Chittagong to Dhaka Online BD
Bangladesh Railway helps online buying tickets online service. You may service the approved website Esheba for E-Ticketing, or you’ll be able to drive to your close the train station and shop for tickets to your journey. However, we need this info will information you search out what you’re finding around Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price.
Final Word
I hope to know the precise Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price of this route. As a result, the information given right here is predicated on the official website of Bangladesh Railway.
Chittagong to Brahmanbaria
Please Check – Chittagong to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule & Ticket Price