Poradah to Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price

If you need to travel from Poradah to Rajshahi, you can select a train as a substitute for other public transport journeys. Right here, we’ve included all the crucial info about your journey together with the Poradah to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket price. All this info has been up to date as per the discovery of the Bangladesh Railway. This schedule and fare record modifications on occasion by Bangladesh Railway. We’ll update this record accordingly when such changes happen.

Poradah to Rajshahi Train Schedule

This journey distance from Poradah to Rajshahi is only 125 kilometers. The route has four intercity trains. They take an average time of 3 hours to cover this journey. Poradah to Rajshahi trains on the way has all the modern services. Ranging from extraordinarily luxurious AC cabins, additionally, they have comfortable and low-priced high-quality seats. Food canteens, prayer locations, clean bathrooms, and safety guards exist. Contemplating these features, the Poradah to Rajshahi train schedule journey is better than different public transport.

Train NameDepartureArrivalOff Day
Kapotaskh Express (715)10:0320:00Friday
Madhumati Express (755)20:1522:40Thursday
Sagardari Express (761)19:2322:00Monday
Tungipara Express (783)11:0013:15Tuesday

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Poradah to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

If you happen to resolve on the journey on this Poradah to Rajshahi route, it’s essential to acquire a buy ticket first. I recommend selecting the Intercity train service for this Poradah to Rajshahi train route. Right here is the schedule of the Poradah to Rajshahi Intercity train service. So, select your seat class based on your expectations and the price of the ticket.

Seat ClassesTicket Price (15% VAT)
Shovon135 Taka
Shovon Chair160 Taka
First Seat248 Taka
Snigdha311 Taka

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Final Word

That is all about the Poradah to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket price. You may also check out the Rajshahi to Poradah train schedule if you need to know the details about your return route. Be happy to contact us if you have any additional questions on this. Thanks a lot for being with us.

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