If you need to travel from Kotchandpur to Poradah, you can select a train as a substitute for other public transport journeys. Right here, we’ve included all crucial info on your journey together with the Kotchandpur to Poradah train schedule and ticket price. All this info has been up to date as per the discovery of the Bangladesh Railway.

Kotchandpur to Poradah Train Schedule
There are from Kotchandpur to Poradah four intercity trains available right here. They’ve different departure time instances. Many of those have provided many modern services and lots of of them don’t have it. However, all Kotchandpur to Poradah trains are so protected and comfy. The Kotchandpur to Poradah schedule is given below based mostly on Bangladesh Railway.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Sundarban Express (725) | 23:39 | 00:56 | Tuesday |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | 08:34 | 10:00 | Friday |
Benapole Express (795) | 15:10 | 16:40 | Wednesday |
Sagardari Express (761) | 17:55 | 17:20 | Monday |
Read More – Poradah to Dhaka Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Kotchandpur to Poradah Train Ticket Price
The Kotchandpur to Poradah train ticket prices aren’t a lot pricey in our country Bangladesh. The Kotchandpur to Poradah train ticket prices are based mostly on their seat services. You should purchase it train ticket at the station or online. The Kotchandpur to Poradah train ticket prices are given below.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovon | 75 Taka |
Shovon Chair | 90 Taka |
First Seat | 125 Taka |
First Berth | 202 Taka |
Snigdha | 167 Taka |
AC Seat | 202 Taka |
AC Berth | 310 Taka |
Read More – Poradah to Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Final Word
All the time your safety first! Guaranteed your safety while traveling by way of from the Kotchandpur to Poradah train schedule and ticket price. We’re working onerous to produce increasingly valid details that help you.