If you need to travel from Ishwardi to Santahar, you can select a train as a substitute for other public transport journeys. Right here, we’ve included all the crucial info on your journey together with Ishwardi to Santahar train schedule and ticket price. All this info has been up to date as per the discovery of the Bangladesh Railway.

Ishwardi to Santahar Train Schedule
There are three intercity trains on the Ishwardi to Santahar route. Right here are the details about Ishwardi to Santahar intercity trains. A number of mail and intercity trains run to this railway route. There are 3 intercity trains journey there on the Ishwardi to Santahar trackway. The Ishwardi to Santahar intercity train schedule list is given below.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Ekota Express (705) | 14:20 | 16:00 | No |
Rupsha Express (727) | 11:20 | 13:10 | Thursday |
Simanta Express (747) | 01:20 | 02:50 | Monday |
Read More – Ishwardi to Joydebpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Ishwardi to Santahar Train Ticket Price
If you happen to resolve this Ishwardi to Santahar route on this journey, it’s essential to acquire a buy ticket first. So, select your seat class based on your expectations and the price of the ticket. Please come again once more for details about the Bangladesh Railway’s all-train ticket price. Right here is the updated listing for the Ishwardi to Santahar train ticket price.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovon | 80 Taka |
Shovon Chair | 95 Taka |
First Seat | 125 Taka |
First Berth | 185 Taka |
Snigdha | 155 Taka |
AC Seat | 185 Taka |
Ac Berth | 275 Taka |
Read More – Ishwardi to Darshana Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Final Word
That is all about Ishwardi to Santahar train schedule and ticket price. If you need to know the details about your return route. Be happy to contact us if in case you have any additional questions on this. Thanks a lot for being with us.