If you’re trying to find the B-Baria to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price, then you might be in the correct place. Right here we’ve shared the most recent B-Baria to Dhaka train schedule according to Bangladesh Railway. Some safety ideas will make it easier for to you have a peaceful journey.

B-Baria to Dhaka Train Schedule
There are 6 intercity trains on the B-Baria to Dhaka route. Right here are the details about Brahmanbaria to Dhaka intercity trains. A number of mail and intercity trains run to this railway route. There are 6 intercity trains that journey there on B-Baria to Dhaka trackway. The b-Baria to Dhaka intercity train schedule list is given below.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Mahanagor Godhuli (703) | 19:21 | 21:10 | No |
Parabat Express (710) | 20:30 | 22:40 | Tuesday |
Upakul express (711) | 09:29 | 11:45 | Wednesday |
Joyentica Express (718) | 13:19 | 18:25 | Thursday |
Mahanagor Express (721) | 16:42 | 19:10 | Sunday |
Turna Express (741) | 03:02 | 05:15 | No |
Read More – Brahmanbaria to Bhairab Train Schedule & Ticket Price
B-Baria to Dhaka Mail Train Schedule
If you like Intercity trains of the Dhaka B-Baria route, there are similar numbers of mail trains out there. The mail trains have extra stoppages than the B-Baria to Dhaka intercity trains. So, the B-Baria to Dhaka mail train takes more time than the Intercity trains. Below I’ve offered all detailed B-Baria to Dhaka mail train schedules.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Dhaka Mail (01) | 03:54 | 06:55 | No |
Karnafuli Express (03) | 15:52 | 19:45 | No |
Dhaka Express (11) | 04:25 | 09:15 | No |
Dhaka express (11) | 01:26 | 06:40 | No |
Titas Commuter (33) | 05:30 | 08:30 | No |
Titas Commuter (35) | 12:30 | 15:15 | No |
Chattala Express (67) | 13:25 | 15:50 | Tuesday |
Comilla Commuter (89) | 08:22 | 12:50 | Tuesday |
Read More – Brahmanbaria to Ashuganj Train Schedule & Ticket Price
B-Baria to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Please come again once more for details about the Bangladesh Railway’s all-train ticket prices. However, the B-Baria to Dhaka train ticket price is relatively lower than some others. Right here is the updated listing for the B-Baria to Dhaka train ticket price.
Seat Classes | Ticket Price (15% VAT) |
Shovon | 120 Taka |
Shovon Chair | 145 Taka |
First Seat | 190 Taka |
First Berth | 285 Taka |
Snigdha | 276 Taka |
AC Seat | 328 Taka |
AC Berth | 489 Taka |
Read More – Brahmanbaria to Laksam Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Final Word
I attempted so as to add all the information for the route of the B-Baria to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price. If you already know anything else about this B-Baria to Dhaka route. Thanks for visiting this website.