Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule and Ticket Price: Rajshahi to Dhaka is, without a doubt, one of the busy routes in Bangladesh. It connects the capital Dhaka with Rajshahi Division. Rajshahi to Dhaka is usually 245 KM through Highway. Within the preparation, it could take as much as 6-7 hours to reach. Immediately we have now a full legitimate Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price.

Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Schedule
As Dhaka is the capital of the Country, Daily thousands of people come to Dhaka from Rajshahi by train. If you’re searching for the Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule, Right here is the part for you. Like Dhaka to Rajshahi, the Identical trains are operating from Rajshahi to Dhaka. The train number and schedules fluctuate. Under the table, you’ll get all of the details about the schedule of the Rajshahi to Dhaka train.
Train Name | Departure | Arrival | Off Day |
Silkcity Express (754) | 07:40 | 13:30 | Sunday |
Padma Express (760) | 16:00 | 21:40 | Tuesday |
Dhumketue Express (770) | 23:20 | 04:45 | Saturday |
Bonolota Express (792) | 06:55 | 11:30 | Friday |
Rajshahi to Dhaka Train Ticket Price
Rajshahi to Dhaka train ticket price listing is given below. They don’t seem to be so pricey. Four completely different trains can journey from Rajshahi to Dhaka. These trains bought modern options and services. Bangladesh Railway is attempting to provide the perfect to you. Anybody should buy a train ticket easily in our nation Bangladesh. Take a look and have a pleasant journey.
Seat Class | Ticket Price + (15% VAT) |
Shevon Chair | 340 Taka |
Snigdha | 570 Taka |
AC | 680 Taka |
Ac Berth | 1020 Taka |
Buy Online Train Ticket BD
You should buy train tickets online from your dwelling only without hesitation. Bangladesh railway is offering tickets so that you don’t have to go to stations when you want to purchase a train ticket by the way online.
Read More – Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Final Word
You will have seen that there are 4 intercity trains run on Dhaka Rajshahi Route. It’s notable that, there isn’t any mail prepared on this route. Now we have added extra particulars about Dhaka Rajshahi trains right here. A particular person’s train timing with the details can be found in the below part.
Rajshahi to Tangail
Plz…buy tickets online
Rajshahi to Tangail ticket price
Rajshahi to Dhakar ticket lagbe
Please, buy a train ticket online or at BD railway station.
Aj ki dhaka train ache
Reply plz
15.november rajshahi to dhaka tiket lagbe rat 11.30 er..
Riplai plz
Please, Buy train tickets online or Railway Station.